Monday 16 March 2015

342 | Travellers participate in conservation


All participants of the Etosha Tour (15.03. - 29.03.2015) through Namibia, organized by Chamäleon Reisen and Pack Safari, led by BirdsConTour, received a one penguin-rated Tourism Support 2015 Award from BirdsConTour for their support of responsible and sustainable tourism.
It seemed as if the tour subject was - Doing good while traveling! or The responsible traveller!

This Sociable Weaver nest had ropes in it which the birds used as building material. 

Unfortunately that causes Sociable Weavers getting entangled and kills them.

Concerned and helpful guests assisted in freeing the nest of unnatural building materials such as deadly ropes.

Unfortunately an attempt of towing a roadkill (Oryx antelope) away from a for the endangered vultures dangerous fence failed because of gotten stuck in the too soft Namib sand alongside the road.

While hiking an idea came to mind when scrap was found.

Whithin minutes, without tools and with the appreciated assistance of tour members a useful nesting possibility for hole nesting birds was built and erected by only using scrap material.

With the help of the guests the parking area at a termite mound was cleaned of litter as well as the resting site near the Fish River bridge.

BirdsConTour helps in keeping Namibia's  nature and roads clean.